Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Inland Lakes

Our service area includes numerous inland lakes. The region also boasts some of the State's deepest lakes with five lakes having maximum depths of 100 feet or more.

The Watershed Council service area includes:

  • 14 lakes with a surface area of 1,000 acres or more,
  • 38 lakes between 100 – 1,000 acres,
  • 184 between 10 – 100 acres, and
  • 1,600 lakes with less than 10 acres.
Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County
Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County
We are currently building our library of information, photographs, history, and monitoring data on the waterbodies in our service area. If you have information related to a particular lake, river, or stream or would like to volunteer to assist with our monitoring program, please reach out to us through our contact form. We would sincerely appreciate your assistance as we build our library and provide a valuable resource.

Lake Profiles

We are pleased to share any news and information about your lake, along with photographs. 

Lake Page Information and Inquiries

Welcome to our new website!  We are making every effort to re-catalog our extensive archives. If you can’t find what you are looking for on your lake, please submit inquiries or information on the contact form below so we can update your lake page. We appreciate your patience and participation.