Intermediate Lake

Description: Appropriately named, Intermediate Lake is situated approximately in the middle of the Elk River Chain of Lakes, which is a series of 14 lakes and interconnecting waterways that eventually […]
Huffman Lake
Description: Huffman Lake is located in the northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan in the southeast corner of Charlevoix County. The entire lake falls within Hudson Township in Charlevoix County. The […]
Hanley Lake
Description: Hanley Lake is a small, narrow lake situated in the middle of the Elk River Chain of Lakes, which is a chain of 14 interconnected lakes draining into East […]
Ellsworth Lake

Description: Ellsworth Lake is located in the upper Elk River Chain of Lakes. It is fed by the Intermediate River from St. Clair Lake on the north (upstream) end, and […]
Elk Lake

Description: Elk Lake is positioned between Lake Skegemog and East Grand Traverse Bay adjacent to the Village of Elk Rapids in Antrim County. It is the last in a long […]
Douglas Lake (Cheboygan County)

Description: Few lakes have been as well studied as Douglas Lake in northwest Cheboygan County. Home of the University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS), Douglas Lake has seen its fair share […]
Deer Lake

Description: Deer Lake is moderately sized kettle lake located in south-central Charlevoix County. High hills stand between the lake and Boyne City to the north, Boyne Falls to the east, […]
Crooked-Pickerel Lakes

Description: Monitoring and Research: Crooked and Pickerel Lakes are monitored every three years through the Watershed Council’s Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring (CWQM) Program for dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, pH, nitrate-nitrogen, total nitrogen, […]