Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Mullett Lake

Mullett Lake is a large, deep, high-quality lake with 200 billion gallons within its basin. It is part of northeast Michigan’s Inland Waterway and is the state’s fifth largest lake, with a surface area of 16,630 acres.

16,630 acres


28 miles


145 feet


Overview of Mullett Lake

Primary Outflows

Surface Area

16,630 acres


28 miles

Maximum Depth

145 feet

Known Aquatic Invasive Species


Mullett Lake is a large, deep, high-quality lake with 200 billion gallons within its basin. It is part of northeast Michigan’s Inland Waterway and is the state’s fifth largest lake, with a surface area of 16,630 acres. Tributaries of Mullett Lake include: Indian River, Little Sturgeon, Mullet Creek and East Little Pigeon. Mullett Lake lies within six different townships: Aloha, Benton, Inverness, Koehler, Mullett, and Tuscarora. 

Mullett Lake is a popular lake for recreationists and supports activities such as fishing, boating, kayaking, canoeing, and swimming. During the summer months, the local population can increase three-fold with tourists and seasonal residents.

Monitoring and Research:

Mullett Lake is monitored every three years through the Watershed Council’s Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring (CWQM) Program for dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, pH, nitrate-nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chloride levels.

Water transparency, chlorophyll-a, and water temperature are also monitored in Mullett Lake each summer by volunteers as part of the Watershed Council’s Volunteer Lake Monitoring (VLM) Program.

Mullett Lake Area Preservation Society
Mullett Lake Area Preservation Society
Keeping Mullett Lake and its surrounding watershed healthy for generations to come!
P.O. Box 517, Topinabee, Michigan, 49791-0517

Additional Resources:


Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring (CWQM)
2024 Mullett Lake, Lower Black/Cheboygan Rivers Watershed Management Plan
2024 MAPS Indian River Chloride Project
2016 Mullett Lake Shoreline Survey
2015 Mullett Lake Partial Aquatic Plant Survey
2009 Mullett Lake Profile CWQM
2007 Mullett Lake Aquatic Plant Survey

Shoreline Survey:

Mullett Lake Shoreline Survey 2016

Project Summary During the summer of 2016, the Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council conducted a shoreline survey of Mullett Lake. Surveys were designed to replicate a 2008 shoreline survey, documenting conditions that can impact water quality, including the three biggest threats to inland lakes: nutrient pollution, habitat loss, and

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