Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

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Did you know that Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council is a pre-approved nonprofit organization eligible for the McLean & Eakin Booksellers donation program?

Here’s how it works… Whenever you shop at McLean & Eakin Booksellers in downtown Petoskey, simply mention that you would like your purchase amount to go toward Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council. We will then receive 10% of your purchase amount in the form of an in-store credit. This will allow us to purchase necessary resource materials for our library. It’s a literary win-win for everyone!

EXAMPLE: When you spend $100, we receive a $10 in-store credit from McLean & Eakin. It’s that easy!



Shop online at Michigan Overboard
Michigan Overboard donates an unparalleled 21% of annual profits towards water conservation efforts right here in Michigan! Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council is one of four Michigan nonprofit organizations that will be benefiting from their generosity.

Why 21%?
21% of the Earth’s surface fresh water resides in the Great Lakes Basin. That’s why 21% of profits from their sales are donated to Michigan nonprofit organizations that focus on water conservation and shoreline protection.

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