Make a donation to become a member!
Membership Giving Levels
Membership donations are fully tax-deductible.
For your convenience Tip of the Mitt Watershed now offers monthly membership donations as well as annual memberships.
As a member, your investment will support:
Our watershed management plan identifies problems and threats to our Northern Michigan water resources and develops a framework to address these issues to restore and protect the quality of lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.
With the help of our dedicated volunteers, The Watershed Council is able to survey shorelines, septic pollution, endangered species, and aquatic invasive species. Each year, we monitor more than 50 sites on our lakes and rivers spread throughout the region.
Northern Michigan’s lakes, streams and wetlands are precious natural resources. Their protection is vital in preserving the ‘Up North’ character that is so special. Our work includes stormwater solutions, fish passes, aquatic invasive species, road stream crossings, wetland restoration, and more.
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council’s youth education programs provide amazing hands-on learning experiences for students of all ages and allow them to become valued partners addressing important watershed stewardship issues.
The Watershed Council is on the front lines protecting our water resources, providing policy guidance to local, state, and federal agencies, and scientific and legal expertise to local water resource decisions.
Membership Benefits
By becoming a member, you will receive the following benefits:
- NEWSLETTER Our Current Reflections newsletter describing up-to-date news and our ongoing projects and activities.
- ANNUAL MEETING & REPORT Held annually, all members are invited to our annual meeting and will receive copy of our annual report.
- INVITATION to Watershed Council members-only events and programs.
- DISCOUNTS on our technical and consultation services.