Our Posts
Stormwater Runoff
The next time it rains, watch the water run off your roof, across your driveway, and down the
Water Use and Diversions
The waters of the Great Lakes are, for the most part, a nonrenewable resource. They are composed of
Habitat Loss
Sparkling inland lakes, expansive forests, blue-ribbon trout streams, prairies, bogs, wildlife-rich wetlands, and miles of spectacular beaches …

Swimmer’s Itch
What you should know about Swimmer’s Itch What is it? Swimmer’s itch (cercarial dermatitis) is a skin irritation

Clean Boating
While most boaters appreciate the natural resources that abound in the watersheds in which they recreate, many are
International Upper Great Lakes Study
In 2007, the International Joint Commission (IJC) launched a five-year International Upper Great Lakes Study (IUGLS). The IUGLS
Home Moving
When existing shoreline homes are threatened by high water and erosion, the costs and benefits of moving the
Frequently Asked Questions about Great Lakes Water Levels
Influences on Great Lakes Water Levels
Natural Influences on Water Levels HydrologyThe water levels of the Great Lakes are determined by the amount of
Current, Historic, and Future Water Levels
Current Water LevelsThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Environment Canada jointly monitor and forecast water levels

Torch Lake Township Septic Ordinance
Check out Local Policy Manager Anna McGlashen on 9 & 10 News sharing information on the new time-of-transfer
High Water Levels
High Water Levels Fact Sheets High Water Levels – Questions and Answers Current Great Lakes Water Levels Home
Local Government Planning and Coastal Resiliency
Introduction to Coastal Dynamics and Resilience Planning at WorkWebinar recording and presentation slides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnpkODcgAWA
Great Lakes Water Levels
Despite their vastness and ageless beauty, we often forget that the Great Lakes are a living system, an

Combined Sewer Overflows
Underground sewer systems channel wastewater from its various sources to a wastewater treatment facility, where it is treated
Strong winds or sudden changes in barometric pressure over different sections of the Lake can cause the surface

University of Michigan CLEAR Fellow and Intern
This summer, thanks to donors who support our paid internship program, we were lucky to have Indira Sankaran

Torch Lake Septic Ordinance
Local government at work! Yesterday was a big day for clean water in Northern Michigan. Tip of the

Black Lake Watershed Survey
Black Lake Watershed residents—we want to hear from you! Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council and students from

Bay View Panel Discussion
Join Tip of the Mitt’s Policy Director Jennifer McKay at a panel discussion as part of Bay View