Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Bass Lake

Bass Lake is situated on the north side of the Village of Elk Rapids, between Elk Lake and Grand Traverse Bay. Being adjacent to the City of Elk Rapids, the southern half of Bass Lake is more heavily developed and impacted by removal of shoreline vegetation (greenbelt loss), hardened shorelines (e.g., seawalls, riprap), and urban stormwater runoff. The northern half of the lake is more intact with vegetated areas in and among the cottages.

144 acres


2 miles


24 feet


Overview of Bass Lake

Surface Area

144 acres


2 miles

Maximum Depth

24 feet

Monitoring and Research:

Bass Lake is monitored every three years through the Watershed Council’s Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring (CWQM) Program for dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, pH, nitrate-nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chloride levels.

Water transparency, chlorophyll-a, and water temperature are also monitored in Bass Lake each summer by volunteers as part of the Watershed Council’s Volunteer Lake Monitoring (VLM) Program.

Bass Lake Association
Bass Lake Association

Additional Resources:

Aquatic Plant Survey of Bass Lake (1992) – hard copy

The Gem Lakes of Northern Michigan
Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring (CWQM)
2024 Bass Lake Tributary Study
2023 Bass Lake Aquatic Vegetation Survey
2022 Bass Lake Shoreline Survey
2010 Small Gem Lakes Profile

Shoreline Survey:

Bass Lake Shoreline Survey 2022

Project Summary Bass Lake is located on the northern side of the Village of Elk Rapids, between Elk Lake and Grand Traverse Bay, in the Grand Traverse Bay watershed. It is a small inland lake, covering 144 acres. In 2022,Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council completed a shoreline survey on

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