Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Click Road Stream Crossing

Click Road Stream Restoration

At Click Road, the Bear River flowed 100+ ft. along the roadbed before passing through three large culverts under the road. The embankment was eroding and the culverts are inadequately placed. 

As part of a grant from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council restored the road-stream crossing to allow the restoration of both the natural streambed and the river’s hydraulics. In addition, side slopes were be stabilized and vegetated to prevent erosion. A 66 ft. clear-span timber bridge replace the 3 large, metal culverts, and created a much better stream alignment with the river channel. The Emmet County Road Commission constructed the bridge.

This is project is part of the Little Traverse Bay Stormwater Management Initiative. Additional funding was provided by the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians and the Baiardi Foundation.


  • Stream banks stabilized adjacent to the targeted road crossings
  • Manipulation of Bear River hydraulics eliminated
  • Runoff from road surfaces reduced by incorporating better stormwater engineering
  • Soil erosion and the loading of sediments, nutrients, and pollutants into the Bear River, and thus into Little Traverse Bay and Lake Michigan, are significantly reduced