Clean Water Act
History The history of the Clean Water Act begins with its predecessor, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
The Watershed Council is on the front lines protecting our water resources. Using the Watershed Council’s mission as the guide, we work with concerned citizens, prepare educational materials for landowners and developers, prepare policy guidance to local, state, and federal agencies, develop coalitions across the state and Great Lakes Basin, represent Northern Michigan in Lansing and D.C., and bring scientific and legal expertise to local water resource decisions.
History The history of the Clean Water Act begins with its predecessor, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Our Legislative Corner is where you can find information on environmental bills introduced in Michigan’s State Capitol, located
A Vision for Lake Charlevoix: Dedication to Shoreline Protection The communities surrounding Lake Charlevoix have a long history
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) was launched in 2009 by President Obama and Congress to accelerate efforts
Table of Contents Enbridge Energy Line 5 There are only two major crude oil pipelines in Northern Michigan.
Invasive Carp Invasive carp are a tremendous threat to the Great Lakes and could devastate the lakes if
What are PFAS? PFAS represent a group of human-made chemicals that have been used in a variety of
Oil & Gas Pipelines As of 2015, there were 2.7 million miles of fuel pipelines crisscrossing the United
Every dollar invested in Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council helps leverage government and foundation grants for much needed local water quality monitoring and pollution prevention, invasive species management, shoreline restoration, education, and much more.
The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Our employee identification number (EIN) is 38-2361745.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information herein; however, it cannot be guaranteed.
Unless otherwise noted, all contents of this website are property of Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council © 2023. All rights reserved.