Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Pipeline Permitting in Michigan

​Community engagement is a vital part of many pipeline projects. Public participation contributes to better decisions because decision-makers have more complete information in the form of additional facts, values, and perspectives obtained through public input. Decision-makers can then incorporate the best information and expertise of all stakeholders. Ultimately, earlier and more productive involvement will lead to better project designs and can minimize the risks that pipelines pose.
Both State and Federal regulations provide opportunities for the public to participate in the regulatory processes for pipeline projects. Navigating through the various processes can often be overwhelming. The information on these pages should help navigate that process by providing basic information about permitting for pipeline projects in Michigan and how you can effectively participate in the public processes.
  • Pipeline Permitting Players                                                                                                                                             
  • Siting of Pipelines                                                                                                                           
  • Permitting for Water Resource Impacts                                                                                                             
  • Citizen Involvement Guidelines
  • Pipeline Permitting Webinar
Click Here

Guidebook: Pipeline Permitting in Michigan – Citizen Involvement in the Decision-making Process

The guidebook provides information about what laws govern pipeline projects in Michigan, what public engagement opportunities exist, and how to most effectively participate in the public process to help protect Michigan’s water resources and public health and safety. Hard copies can be requested by calling (231) 347-1181.