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Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Great Lakes Water Levels

International Upper Great Lakes Study

In 2007, the International Joint Commission (IJC) launched a five-year International Upper Great Lakes Study (IUGLS). The IUGLS was established to identify and evaluate potential improvements to outflow regulation of […]

Home Moving

When existing shoreline homes are threatened by high water and erosion, the costs and benefits of moving the structure back from the lakeshore should be weighed along with other alternatives. […]

Influences on Great Lakes Water Levels

Natural Influences on Water Levels HydrologyThe water levels of the Great Lakes are determined by the amount of water flowing in and out of the lakes. Water moves through the […]

Current, Historic, and Future Water Levels

Current Water LevelsThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Environment Canada jointly monitor and forecast water levels on the Great Lakes. Information is compiled and disseminated on the USACE […]

High Water Levels

High Water Levels Fact Sheets High Water Levels – Questions and Answers Current Great Lakes Water Levels Home Moving Shoreline Protection Inland Lakes and Septic Systems WHERE ARE THE CURRENT […]