Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

GIS, Mapping, & Natural Resource Inventories

We develop and print maps of lakes, streams, or other water features. Maps can be made for entire water bodies, individual shoreline properties, or specific areas. Any information available can be included on the map, such as lake-bottom contours or survey results. 

Natural Resource Inventories
We perform natural resource inventories at any scale (county to individual property) to assist local units of government, lake associations, and others with planning efforts. Data layers available for inventory maps include wetlands, lakes, streams, land use, soils, water tables, contours, roads, water quality data, contaminated areas, zoning information, and more. 

Spatial Analyses
To address specific water resource problems or questions, we perform spatial analyses using geographical data. Examples of analyses include examining landuse change over time and prioritizing land conservation for water quality protection.To address specific water resource problems or questions, we perform spatial analyses using geographical data. Examples of analyses include examining landuse change over time and prioritizing land conservation for water quality protection.

GIS Data

These GIS polygon data layers were developed by TOMWC using digital orthophotography (i.e., aerial photos) to provide improved lake shoreline delineations, as well as more accurate perimeter and area statistics. The zip files are named by lake with a suffix indicating the year of the aerial photographs used to develop the data layer.

Available Shoreline Surveys

2024 Pickerel-Crooked Lakes Shoreline Survey
2022 Larks Lake Shoreline Survey
2022 Burt Lake Shoreline Survey
2022 Bass Lake Shoreline Survey
2020 Walloon Lake Shoreline Survey
2018 Lake Charlevoix Shoreline Survey
2017 Torch Lake Shoreline Survey
2017 Thayer Lake Shoreline Survey
2017 Skegemog Lake Shoreline Survey
2017 Lake Bellaire Shoreline Survey
2017 Elk Lake Shoreline Survey
2017 Clam Lake Shoreline Survey
2017 Black Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Wilson Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Walloon Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 St. Clair Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Six Mile Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Mullett Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Intermediate Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Hanley Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Ellsworth Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Ben Way Lake Shoreline Survey
2016 Beals and Scotts Lake Shoreline Survey
2015 Huffman Lake Shoreline Survey
2015 Douglas Lake Shoreline Survey
2014 Wildwood Lake Shoreline Survey
2014 Silver Lake Shoreline Survey
2014 Round Lake Shoreline Survey
2014 Lance Lake Shoreline Survey
2012 Crooked-Pickerel Lakes Shoreline Survey