Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Mobile Boat Washing

Our Mobile Boat Washing Station (MOBO) Program was started in Northern Michigan in 2020. We use high-pressure, heated water to wash invasive plants and animals off boats and trailers. We visit various Northern Michigan lake landings and wash boats for free throughout the summer. The MOBO event calendar and more program information can be found here.

Volunteer Opportunity

Outdoor, 1 day (5 hours) or seasonal, no training required.

Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council is pleased to announce the fourth season of the Mobile Boat Washing Station (MOBO) Program in Northern Michigan. The station, which uses high-pressure, heated water to wash invasive plants and animals off boats and trailers, will be visiting various Northern Michigan lake landings this spring and washing boats for free.

See the calendar below for more information on dates and locations of our boat washing events.

Aquatic invasive species can spread from one water body to the next by hitching a ride on boat hulls and trailers. That’s why the Watershed Council has invested in a mobile boat washing station to wash water craft as they leave the lake. The station is easy and quick to use. Station workers spray hot water to kill and wash off the invasive species. The spray water is collected in a large containment mat and later discharged into designated containment facilities at parks or campgrounds or into drains where water treatment facilities will prevent invasive species from reentering water bodies.

If you’d like to volunteer at a boat washing event in your area this summer, contact the Watershed Council at 231-347-1181. Together, we can help to protect the Northern Michigan Great Lakes and inland waterways that we cherish.