Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Lead your own clean-up!

While, the Watershed Council organizes a large community clean-up annually, you have the option to complete your own clean-up whenever works best for you, and we want to assist you in the process! We have created a clean-up package for you here. Please fill out the volunteer waiver when you sign out the clean-up materials, fill out a data sheet and get it back to us. We are hoping to add the amount of waste our volunteers collect annually into a new database, and we want to make sure we include yours!

Materials we can provide:

  • Trash bags
  • Trash grabbers
  • Gloves
  • 5-gallon bucket for sharp waste (glass or metal pieces)
  • Scale to weigh how much waste you collected
  • Suggested areas to clean-up
  • Safety infographic
  • Detailed harmful plants and materials (sharps) document
  • Mobile meth lab safety document
  • Data collection sheet
  • Volunteer waiver