Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Gaps Analysis

Local Ordinance Gaps Analysis
An essential guide for water protection 
Our Local Ordinance Gaps Analysis is a review of all the water-related ordinances by county in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet Counties. The purpose is to evaluate them against what should be in place to protect water resources best, and offer recommendations and suggested actions to help local governments strengthen any areas that need improvement. It covers ordinances at not only the county level, but also for cities, townships, and villages in the county. 

Publications of Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council
compiled and written by Dr. Grenetta Thomassey

2014 Cheboygan County Local Ordinance Gaps Analysis
2013 Emmet County Local Ordinance Gaps Analysis
2011 Charlevoix County Local Ordinance Gaps Analysis
2011 Antrim County Local Ordinance Gaps Analysis