Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Protect Michigan’s Water During Lame Duck Session

Protect Michigan’s Water During Lame Duck Session

The “Lame Duck” session is here—a short, rare window when Michigan lawmakers can vote on critical issues without re-election pressures. This is our chance to make a lasting impact on the health of Michigan’s water resources, but we need your help to act quickly

Why This Matters

As the Great Lakes State, Michigan has a responsibility to protect our waters. Clean, abundant water isn’t just a natural treasure—it’s vital to our health, economy, and environment.

Take Action Today!

Tell your legislators where you stand on these important issues:

Support Key Water Protections - Vote Yes!

  • Statewide Septic Code
    Michigan is the only state without a statewide septic code. Failing septic systems pollute water, threaten public health, and harm property values. Let’s join the other 49 states and establish common-sense standards.

  • Polluter Pay Reform (SB 605-611, HB 5241-5247)
    When companies pollute, they should pay for cleanup—not Michigan taxpayers. This legislation ensures polluters are held accountable for their actions.

  • Restore EGLE’s Rulemaking Authority (HB 5205)
    We must restore the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s ability to safeguard our water and enforce federal programs.

  • Stormwater Utilities (SB 660)
    Communities need the option to create stormwater utilities to manage runoff, prevent flooding, and upgrade aging infrastructure..

Oppose Harmful Aggregate Mining Bills - Vote No!

  • Vote against House Bills 6108, 6109, 6110, and 6111. These industry-backed bills weaken local control and limit community input on aggregate mining operations, putting local economies, quality of life, and the environment at risk.



Your Voice Matters

How You Can Help: Contact Your Legislators Today!

Tell them why clean water matters to you and urge them to support these key protections.



Contact your Representatives:

Rep. Neil Friske:
Rep. Ken Bolton:
Rep. Cam Cavitt:
Rep. Betsy Coffia:
Sen. Michele Hoitenga:
Sen. John Damoose:

Find your representative here: