Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Small Pussytoes

This genus of plant includes perennial species that are native to the Northern Hemisphere; North America has the most species diversity of Antennaria species compared to any other part of the world.

Common Name:
Small Pussytoes
Scientific Name:
Antennaria howellii


This genus of plant includes perennial species that are native to the Northern Hemisphere; North America has the most species diversity of Antennaria species compared to any other part of the world. The different species of pussytoes can grow to be between 4 and 20 inches tall with small, fuzzy leaves. Also called catsfoot, pussytoes’ fluffy flowers are often white and resemble cat paws.

These plants are a favorite of the painted lady butterfly caterpillars and other species of insects that feed on the plant’s leaves. These plants grow in multiple types of soil but are usually found naturally occurring in open meadows and prairies in dry soils.


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