Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Cheboygan River Watershed Habitat Partnership Conservation Area Plan

In 2001, a partnership brought together the diverse talents and experiences of several agencies and organizations dedicated to the protection of the Cheboygan River Watershed's natural resources.

In 2001, a partnership brought together the diverse talents and experiences of several agencies and organizations dedicated to the protection of the Cheboygan River Watershed’s natural resources. With funding provided by The Nature Conservancy and the C.S. Mott Foundation, and coordinated by Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, the partnership unites the talents and techniques of the Little Traverse Conservancy, the Michigan Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, Northeast Michigan Council of Governments, Headwaters Land Conservancy, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Huron Pines Resource Conservation & Development Council, and the Upper Black River Watershed Restoration Committee.

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Categories: Watershed Improvement Plans