Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

2024 Black Lake Watershed Report

As water quality concerns continued to grow within the Black Lake Watershed over the past several years, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council (TOMWC), based in Petoskey, Michigan, and members of the two Black Lake associations started to advocate for a watershed management plan. The primary purpose of a watershed management plan is to guide watershed coordinators, resource managers, policy makers, and community organizations to restore and protect the quality of lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands by providing specific recommendations. A significant component of the watershed management planning process is conducting resource inventories that assess many different types of nonpoint source pollution and surveying the watershed residents to understand the perspectives of major stakeholders. Considering this need for insightful data and recommendations for how to manage, mitigate, and effectively adapt to these water quality issues, TOMWC collaborated with the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS). Four SEAS graduate students gathered and analyzed data from watershed inventories and social indicator surveys and provided concrete recommendations which will directly inform the content and direction of the anticipated Black Lake Watershed management plan and guide actions and protocols of TOMWC.

For more information from University of Michigan on the study, click here.

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Categories: Black Lake, Black Lake Watershed, Inland Lakes, Watersheds
Tags: 2024, Black Lake, Watershed Report, Watershed Study