Protecting Northern Michigan's ​Water Resources

Bill Howard

Pipelines 101

Millions and millions of miles of pipelines crisscross the United States to transport large quantities of energy sources and commodities. These commodities serve a number of our everyday needs such as […]

Bessey Creek Gets Its Spring Monitoring

Volunteers monitor Bessey Creek.

Watershed Council volunteers and staff got to work at Bessey Creek as part of our annual spring Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program! Special thanks to those who made it possible: Jerry […]


The beauty and bounty of water resources in Northern Michigan add immeasurably to our quality of life—not only for the people who enjoy them, but also for the wildlife dependent upon […]

Northern Michigan Native Plants

When selecting plants for your yard and garden, why not go native?Consider using plants that naturally grow in your region and are best suited for the soil and light conditions […]

Permeable Pavers

Porous or permeable pavement surfaces are suited for parking lots, low traffic residential streets, driveways, and sidewalks. The porous or permeable surfaces allow stormwater to infiltrate into underlying soils, thereby  promoting […]

Green Roofs

A green roof is a low-maintenance vegetated roof system that reduces stormwater runoff by absorbing and retaining the water in the soil medium for plant growth. As a result, much […]

Fertilizing Tips for Shoreline Properties

What does fertilizer have to do with our lakes and streams?Nutrients are elements or compounds essential for life. In lakes, algae and rooted aquatic plants, which form the basis of […]

Rain Gardens

What is a Rain Garden?On the surface, a rain garden looks like an attractive garden. It may support habitat for birds and butterflies, it may be a formal landscape amenity, […]