Mural Project Time Lapse

Let’s do the time warp again! Check out this time-lapse video of the mural springing to life, along with the trees and flowers around us.Thank you to the Oleson Foundation and […]
Tip of the Mitt Receives Water Pollution Reduction Grant

Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council was among 19 organizations statewide that are slated to share $6oo,ooo in grant funding to support local watershed conservation and educational efforts, the Michigan […]
Swimmer’s Itch

What you should know about Swimmer’s Itch What is it? Swimmer’s itch (cercarial dermatitis) is a skin irritation caused by a larval form of certain flatworms from the family Schistosomatidae. Schistosome […]
Clean Boating

While most boaters appreciate the natural resources that abound in the watersheds in which they recreate, many are unaware of the impacts boating can have upon those resources. Water pollution […]
Combined Sewer Overflows

Underground sewer systems channel wastewater from its various sources to a wastewater treatment facility, where it is treated and re-released into the environment. These sewer systems may segregate sanitary and […]
Strong winds or sudden changes in barometric pressure over different sections of the Lake can cause the surface of the Lake to tilt, piling up water against one shore and […]
The Agreements between Enbridge and the State of Michigan
Second Agreement – October 2018 SECOND AGREEMENT On October 3, 2018, the State of Michigan and Enbridge Energy announced a second Agreement regarding Line 5 in Michigan. The new accord builds on a […]
Alternatives to Enbridge Line in the Straits of Mackinac
Alternatives to Line 5 are feasible, economically viable, and should be considered by the State of Michigan. Implementation of alternatives would protect the Great Lakes, Michigan’s public inland waterways, our […]